I know a lot of entrepreneurs feel like they have a hard time getting to know the VCs in their community. Some make the comment that VCs won't call/e-mail them back. Well, I have a way to get around all that. Find out where the VCs are and then go and introduce yourself in person - even better! One example:
PricewaterhouseCoopers' runs a really good quarterly breakfast called "Shaking the MoneyTree" where they give an overview of venture capital trends over the last quarter and talk about where the market is heading. They then turn it over to 2 VCs (usually one local and one out of state firm) who then talk about their background, what they look for and they also give comments about some of the VC trends they see in the market. From attending over the last 6 years, I know the quarterly breakfast in RTP attracts ALL the NC-based VCs every quarter. I think it is great because it gives regional VCs and entrepreneurs a chance to mingle in a very informal setting. I need to quickly mention that this event is EXCLUSIVELY for VCs and emerging technology companies.
Next opportunity to attend:
Friday, May 19
Embassy Suites, Cary
Starts at 7:15am - (YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER WITH LAURA TROY [email protected])
This is a good way to sit next to the VCs, introduce yourself over breakfast and get to know them a lot better. And, the key is to attend regularly. Not only will you meet a lot of good people, but also you will learn more about the different VC firms in your market (PWC does a great job rotating around and featuring all the different firms), you will get a better understanding of their criteria and you will see where the money is flowing locally and nationally.