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« Broadwick and NBC-17 Co-Sponsor Triangle Technology Job Fair | Main | Venture 2007 - Next Week! »

March 28, 2007


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Rob Humphrey

Excellent. Way to put it out there. I have talked with dozens of folks who have awesome ideas, and even decent plans for execution; but have limited "business/vc" contacts..I applaud this effort!

Brian Breslin

Great plan. I wish I lived in Raleigh (I would be willing to travel there though).
Are you only interested in talking to RTP area companies? How about some from even further South - East (miami)

Mukund Mohan

I dont live in Raleigh, am not looking for funding, but I think your idea, candor and open format is refreshing.

good luck.

Ryan Allis

Great idea. I'll distribute the info to my aspiring entrepreneur friends.

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